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Kriya Yoga is a catalyst for transformation

In light of my winding life journey, it is Kriya Yoga that translates the energy I feel and wish to share. What I initially intended to be a journey and practice for my own soul became a practice to guide others to find that which they are seeking. People I encounter are hungry for life shifts and transformation and I would like them to taste it. This powerful technology cracked my heart wide open, allows energy to flow seamlessl. I know it can do the same for others. That’s when I began teaching this ancient yogic practice.

I always share with students that Kriya Yoga finds you, or you find it, when you are ready. Ready to immerse yourself in a practice that allows you to awaken to your true self. Kriya Yoga is known as the yoga of awareness. A blend of physical postures, dynamic breathing techniques, mudras, mental focus, meditations, and mantras, such as “Sat Nam” which means “I am truth” or “truth is my identity,” the kriyas work to strengthen your nervous system, balance your glandular system, expand your lung capacity, purify your blood, and elevate consciousness in ways the mind is unable to grasp.

Kriya Yoga changed my life and transformed me in ways I didn’t know were possible. It still does to this very day. Kriya practices can leave me blissed out, high, joyful and even provoke and challenge the very core of my being. Through it all, I learned to be patient, calm, and balanced, allowing the pleasure and the pain to move through me equally. Committing to this practice allows me to discover the truth of who I am, to connect to my soul, to open and expand my heart, to breathe deeper, slow down and relax.

This journey is full of upheavals and is not to be taken lightly. No short cuts or alternative routes. My hope is for you to explore it, to have an experience of Kriya Yoga, to meet and experience your true self. After one class, you’ll know if you’re ready for the journey.

Kriya Yoga has something to offer for everyone. For me, it offers a sense of home. Its a vibrational journey into my heart, soul, and body. A self-discovery, to self-love, to connecting deeply with my heart and soul. Tuning into the response of the body to tones, prayers and mantras opens the heart. We live in a period when opening our hearts to ourselves and to others will allow a deep compassionate love and elevated consciousness to spread like wildfire.


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